"Security" is the state of being protected or safe from harm. It involves making people and places safer. EZ Class Security Training is designed to fine-tune your natural abilities along these lines. When you and others are trained, you become a less likely target to those who wish you harm.  Our course-ware will examine likely scenarios to help you understand - and prepare in advance - an effective response strategy.

It would be a mistake to believe the world will return to a pre-9/11 existence. Defending against violence and terrorism is best handled as a community effort.  The training you receive through these courses will equip you as a valuable member of America's anti-terrorism force, both at work and at home.  We are stronger together.

Click the course title to go to the course.

This short sample course is written to acquaint Fullington's management with an EZ Class online course.

Worldwide, buses are a primary target for terrorism.  Only the diligence of America's bus company workers will help ensure bus company employees and assets will remain fortified against such interest by terrorists here in the United States. This 1-hour training course will go a long way to prepare you in this fight against those who wish to do us harm.  This course has been written for ALL bus company employees and will help ensure the safety and security of your workplace - and even your home.

It is absolutely the worst case scenario: an Active Shooter on your school bus.  He is armed with a deadly weapon and there is no place to run and limited opportunity to hide.  The training you receive in this course will improve your chances for a better outcome.  5 scenarios will be explored along with varying responses and conditions to take into consideration.  Rehearsing these responses - even in your mind - may improve your chances of survival, as well as the chances of the students on the bus.

The events of 9/11 changed our world.  The Community Antiterrorism Training Institute (CAT Eyes) is a nation-wide program developed to eliminate racism and terrorism through educating and empowering average citizens to defend our homeland against terrorism.  This course has been presented to over 25,000 people, from Wall Street to Main Street.  Working together, we become a force for a more secure America, at home and in the workplace.  Never Forget.

America's enemies have their sights set on bus companies.  Understanding terrorism - how to detect it and how to respond to it - is critical for your safety and security, and those with whom you work and live with.  This course will present a brief overview of terrorism including some specific incidences, show you what to look for and how to effectively respond.  The training you receive here will save lives.

An Active Shooter is an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area; in most cases, active shooters use firearms(s) and there is no pattern or method to their selection of victims. Active shooter situations are unpredictable and evolve quickly. 

Because active shooter situations are often over within 10 to 15 minutes, before law enforcement arrives on the scene, individuals must be prepared both mentally and physically to deal with an active shooter situation. This brief course will help equip you.


This course explores the three strategies of "Run-Hide-Fight" relevant in a high school setting and outlines specific tactics for each.  Embedded quizzes throughout the presentation ensure that all learners comprehend the material.  Additional resources from the Department of Homeland Security and other agencies are provided to help cement this training.  Understanding your options in advance of an Active Shooter event will increase your chances for a successful outcome for yourself and others.

This course explores the three strategies of "Run-Hide-Fight" relevant in an intermediate school setting and outlines specific tactics for each.  Embedded quizzes throughout the presentation ensure that all learners comprehend the material.  Additional resources from the Department of Homeland Security and other agencies are provided to help cement this training.  Understanding your options in advance of an Active Shooter event will increase your chances for a successful outcome for yourself and others.

This course explores the three strategies of "Run-Hide-Fight" relevant in an elementary school setting and outlines specific tactics for each.  Embedded quizzes throughout the presentation ensure that all learners comprehend the material.  Additional resources from the Department of Homeland Security and other agencies are provided to help cement this training.  Understanding your options in advance of an Active Shooter event will increase your chances for a successful outcome for yourself and others.

An active shooter is a person or persons who appear to be actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people, most often in populated areas. In most cases active shooters use firearm(s) and display no pattern or method for selection of their victims. In some cases active shooters use improvised explosive devices to cause additional victimization and act as an impediment to law enforcement and emergency services responders. These improvised explosive devices may detonate immediately, have delayed detonation fuses, or may detonate on contact. Active shooter situations are dynamic and evolve rapidly, demanding immediate response by the community and immediate deployment of law enforcement resources to stop the shooting and prevent further harm to the community. This course provides guidance to faculty, staff, and students who may be caught in an active shooter situation, and describes what to expect from responding law enforcement officers. Be aware that the 911 system may become overwhelmed.

Vehicle ramming is a form of attack in which a perpetrator deliberately aims a motor vehicle at a target with the intent to inflict fatal injuries or significant property damage by striking with concussive force.

Terrorist organizations overseas have advocated conducting vehicle ramming attacks—using modified or unmodified motor vehicles—against crowds, buildings, and other vehicles. Such attacks could target locations where large numbers of people congregate, including parades and other celebratory gatherings, sporting events, entertainment venues, or shopping centers.

Understanding the threat indicators and adopting practical countermeasures will reduce the likelihood of this event happening with your assets.

Bomb threats or suspicious items are rare, but should always be taken seriously. How quickly and safely you react to a bomb threat could save lives, including your own. What should you do?  This course will provide step-by-step instructions and give you access to a printable Bomb Threat Checklist.

The proper way to evacuate the building or premises is very important.  Learn these procedures to help ensure the safety of personnel.  Failing to do so can cost lives, and open the company up to a lawsuit.  


School transportation systems are vulnerable to attack.  Buses - including school buses - are a favorite target of terrorists around the world.  Unlike airports, buses are a "soft target" and the attack on a school bus would amplify the terror effect, mostly because of the presumed safety and innocence of our children.  

This training is intended to provide an awareness of specific issues that should be considered when developing and implementing your organization's security plan.  We will review some of the attacks and incidences that occurred on American soil to better understand the dynamics of a terrorist plot, as well as preventative measures to make your school transportation system less of an attractive target.

Shortly after the terrorist attacks of 9/11, the Transportation and Security Administration (TSA) crafted a model Security and Emergency Plan they hoped would be adopted by businesses.  The plan has been through some extensive revisions over time.  This course will present the latest information on what TSA considers an effective Security Plan and Program.  Enroll in this course and learn how to compose a plan that will satisfy even the toughest TSA auditors.  An easy to use Security Plan template will be provided, as well as up to 1 hour of live consultation with a Security Plan author from the Community Antiterrorism Training Institute (CAT Eyes). 

No security plan, program or process is capable of addressing every possible threat or attack scenario within the context of every stakeholder’s operational environment. However, working with security partners such as The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey and leading motorcoach companies, the Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) Industry Engagement Branch was able recognize and compile motorcoach industry best security practices. 

This course is a compilation of security practices forwarded by public and private sector security experts and TSA Surface Division Industry Engagement Branch review of Baseline Assessments for Security Enhancement (BASE) – Motorcoach Industry and previously conducted Corporate Security Reviews (CSRs – replaced by BASE).

The characteristics of a Suspicious Package and the proper handling of such is covered in this material.  Poisonous material and even bombs have been sent through the mail or left in strategic places, including office locations, job sites, malls, parade routes, and buses. Learn how to identify a suspicious package and safely deal with the situation.

Designed to raise the level of awareness for hotel employees by highlighting the indicators of suspicious activity, this 30-minute course provides information to help employees identify and report suspicious activities and threats in a timely manner.  The importance of establishing an effective reporting procedure is also covered, along with helpful documentation that will aid you to do this.

Diseñado para elevar el nivel de conciencia de los empleados del hotel al destacar los indicadores de actividad sospechosa, este curso de 30 minutos brinda información para ayudar a los empleados a identificar e informar las actividades y amenazas sospechosas de manera oportuna. También se cubre la importancia de establecer un procedimiento de informe eficaz, junto con documentación útil que lo ayudará a hacerlo.

Workplace violence is on the rise, with an estimated 2,000,000 incidents occurring every year. OSHA and the U.S. Department of Labor have established guidelines for dealing with this issue and failing to do so has opened the door for lawsuits against company owners and management.  

This course will explain the dynamics of workplace violence and suggest practical steps to develop an effective Workplace Violence Training Program.  We will also examine 2 lawsuits and apply the lessons learned to help protect you from possible litigation.  

This material has been designed for company owners, supervisors, and Human Resources personnel.  A separate course written for employees is also offered on EZ Class, which can be included as part of the company training program.

Active Shooter incidents are on the rise in the United States, and hospital and clinic settings offer unique challenges in dealing with such situations.  Do you have policies and procedures in place?  This material will serve as a template to help you establish a meaningful and effective strategy.